Goodbye! さよなら! Adiós!

<<<----- I donated anonymously to NumerOus months after this drama started.

UPDATE Sept. 12 2024: It's been a while since I left. I hold no ill will towards Aylina, Numerous, or Eiriker, although I do feel sorry for them. While they really hurt me, and in my view it wasn't at all fair... I'm sure they truly feel it was fair.
I've been able to move on to other projects, it is so nice not having this drama in my life anymore. I'm happy again. It was just way too toxic, but I didn't want to leave because of the people who were using my servers.
I had thought about posting the DMs between me, Aylina, Numerous, and Eiriker... I extracted them into a .csv file. The good, the bad, and the ugly on both sides. But unless someone really thinks there is a good reason to, I'm not... I really don't want to re-hash this.

The Snakey Monster project is shutting down.

The short version is that Aylina, Numerous, and Eiriker worked together to steal my work, use it as their own, and engaged in "mobbing" to create a "smear campaign" to coerce me into shutting down the project.

If they are going to shut down my project, I at least need to tell my side of the story for the community.

If you are going to use their servers, please do me the favor of at least hearing my side and deciding yourself if you should support their "mobbing" behavior.
Do you want to support a group that still is falsely accusing me of a crime?

I have run many projects over the years, and had competition... but they were all real businesses, that like mine, acted professionally.
I have had my work stolen... but not by respected members of the community.
This was very different. The 3 of them (plus several moderators) had no problem falsely accusing me of a crime and refusing to let me share my side of the story.

Giving them my source code was the worst mistake I have made in years.
I have lost sleep and spent countless hours addressing their misinformation.
I wonder where the Snakey Monster project would be today, if for the past 7 months I could have been 100% focused on the project.

Almost as bad, the owner of the discord (Semliot), the staff, and moderators (as a whole, not all members) assisted. But, that's how mobbing works: the leader (Aylina) gets others to "willingly or unwillingly" participate.
2 of the 4 people that falsely accused me of the crime were moderators... and Semliot "trusts his admins".
How can mods address a false accusation of a crime without bias, when most of their input is from a moderator that was also an accuser?

They are likely going to try to spin this as me being butthurt that Aylina is a better programmer.
But Aylina, Eiriker and Numerous are still falsely accusing me of a crime. That's defamation, not butthurt.
That is another reason why I have the pages with my side of the story. It was that or sue, which would have been satisfying for me, but would hurt them too much.

Finally, why I'm leaving, in one picture (the "smear campaign" by Aylina, Eiriker, and Numerous).
This is the price people pay to use Aylina's server: the closure of my project, after being subjected to this:

You are welcome to enter !smsilvertag in the chat box in NTL to use the Snakey Monster tag, to let the name live on...

Feel free to visit he old page, which is here for posterity.