Lies, Lies, Lies

This is part of the series of pages about why I decided to shut down the Snakey Monster project.

A big part of the smear campaign against me was lies, mostly by Aylina and Eiriker.

Lie: "I wrote all of it from scratch" (Aylina)

There have been many variations of this, for example "i made that server but it does not use any of his code" (Aylina) and "its 100% my own" (Aylina) and "no resemblance between the two" (Eiriker), "havent looked at your code even once while making it" (Aylina), "Every piece of code Aylina wrote was written from her own doing" (Eiriker) and "There is nothing in there that came from you" (Eiriker).

Aylina did not just alter my code, but she also didn't write the code herself. What Aylina did is "port" my code. That's the computer equivalent of translating a book into a different language, and copyright law refers to that as a "derivative work". But despite what she claims, she neither typed every character of her code herself, nor did she "not look at" my code. She cut-and-paste at least some to use with her server.

Without access to Aylina's source code, it is impossible to know whether she copied a tiny amount or most of my work. But it is easy to prove that she lied. All it takes is one piece of what I gave her. If she copied anything I gave her, it proves she looked at and used my code, making her statements lies.

The dead giveaway is a 162 character string beginning with "eULXuGxMjvoPvrGwNfvUDtnatqDrjCuKbxH..." that her server sends. That string was created by one of the official servers on September 26, 2022 when I recorded a game I played. Until I gave out my source code, the only place in the world that that string existed was on my desktop and the server I use. The official servers send a 162-byte "challenge": an encoded piece of JavaScript code with a random string embedded in it, which is different for every game anyone plays. I never bothered to figure out how it works: I just took one challenge string from one game I played a long time ago, and the response. Aylina's servers used the same exact challenge, copying what I did exactly, using cut-and-paste.

Lie: "I didn't use any of your work"

I think my page on research and things I discovered covers this well, and my page on things I had to figure out.

Aylina loves to say how it is possible to create a server in 3 weeks, but that it could take "a lot longer."

There is an enormous amount of information you must know before you can create a server.

Yes, she was able to "create" a server in 3 weeks: because she had the source code to a fully functional server, a set of public documents (my discord), a private 15-page internal document of mine, and help via DMs.

Lie: "Aylina solved the lag problem in her servers"

When I made it public that someone was mis-using my source code, Aylina quickly had one of her teammates write "Aylina solved the lag problem in her servers".

That is a lie.

Lag plagued for many years when using distant servers. Nobody really knew why. I investigated, analyzed the data (e.g. comparing lag on close and distant servers), took packet sniffs, and pored through the data.

I discovered that the problem was the Nagle algorithm, which was made worse because Windows by default has "delayed ACKs" enabled (so at times the lag would be constant, at other times sporadic). I documented this on my Slither Server Anlaysis discord.

Once I pointed out that the issue was the Nagle algorithm, the fix was easy: just one line of code to disable the Nagle algorithm. It was already in my code, so Aylina's server had the lag issue "solved"... but only because I had solved it.

Lie: "Slow tick rate" (Numerous)

On July 18, 2024, Numerous wrote in the discord that my battledome world does not "[run] at a high tick rate".

He is referring to how often the server updates snakes (the positions, collision detection, etc.). The official servers until mid-2024 had a tick rate of 21.27 ticks per second (47ms). I designed my servers to match the official servers as closely as possible, so I set mine to update snakes every 47ms.

After Aylina ported my code, she said she changed the tick rate to 100 ticks per second. Few (if any) people noticed this, other than seeing a lower ping reported by their client.

However, as I have been constantly updating my code, I added an option that lets me change the tick rate for each world. That let me have a world with 12,000 snakes at 21.27tps. But when Numerous wrote that, the battledome world was set to 100tps. No other server had a higher tps rate, nor is there evidence that a higher tick rate would be noticable... so the "slow tick rate" comment by Numerous was a lie.

Lie: I Committed a crime (Eiriker, Aylina, Numerous)

On June 21, 2024, Eiriker publicly accused me (falsely) of using the Snakey Monster servers to hack into user's browsers and steal passwords.

2 minutes later, with zero evidence, a moderator told people not to use my servers. To this day, the server own (Semliot) still backs up that post.

Numerous then backed up Eiriker, saying that this was possible -- something he could only have known if he and Aylina had done extensive research ahead of time. Eiriker supplied "evidence", which was that I knew a tag code (similar to a password) for a tag he made for Aylina, which he had me help him make.

Aylina then said she knew "for certain" that I had hacked into browsers. This is typical of her: assuming that if she believes something is true, it must be true (like saying her server has zero bugs; no software is completely free of bugs).

Aylina's "proof" was there was only other possibility, that would have taken thousands of years. However, I proved to the discord moderator team that Aylina was wrong.

Lie: I used the IGNs "I hacked yr comp" and "I know who u r"

Also on June 21, 2024, Eiriker claimed that I was using the intimidating IGNs (nicknames) such as "I hacked yr comp" and "I know who u r".

Needless to say, I did not. I have never used IGNs in any way referencing any of them, and have never used any intimidating IGNs.

I have to wonder if Eiriker made that up, whether he really thinks it happened, or if he saw someone using those IGNs and somehow thought it was me.

Lie: I gave out passwords in IGNs

Yet again on June 21, 2024, Eiriker claimed that I gave out the tag key/password to Aylina's tag in an IGN.

Again, needless to say, I did not.

Again, I wonder: did Eiriker dream this? Or did someone else have the password?

Lie: I fake the number of bots on my sever

On July 3, 2024, after I put a server online that had 10,000-12,000+ bots, Aylina posted that those were "fake numbers" and that I had 4,000-5,000 bots at most.

When I posted a high resolution picture of all 10,000+ snakes and their x,y coordinates and a screenshot of me in there at the same time, they got silent, essentially walking away with their tails between their legs knowing that they were caught lying.