About slither.io Discord Moderation


The slither.io discord moderation team (comprised of 1 owner, 5+ staff members, and 6+ moderators) were able to mute me without warning within an hour or so, were able to back up a defamatory statement within 2 minutes, delete a post of mine within about 5 minutes... and yet not take back any of their false accusations within 5+ days.

I'm writing this 5 1/2 days after a false accusation was posted about the Snakey Monster servers, claiming that I used them to hack into clients and steal game codes. Two people accused me of the hacking, with one slither.io discord moderator lending credibility to the accusations, and another moderator directly backing them up. Shortly after the moderators allowed me to respond the next day, they deleted my main response, and let me know I could not post my response. 5 days later, the moderators have not changed their position of falsely accusing me of a crime (hacking into clients is, to the best of my knowledge, a crime), or of not letting me respond.

Since I am not allowed to post about the situation on the slither.io discord, I am forced to post it here.

See also the general response to these accusation.

Moderation is Completely Dysfunctional

Why do I say this?

The moderators are allowed to agree with a false accusation within 2 minutes of it being posted, with zero evidence... yet after 5+ days the moderators have been spinning their wheels incapable of agreeing on a response.

They have spent over 3,000 times as much time debating how to handle the situation, unable to come up with anything, than it took to agree with the original false accusation.

A proper moderation team would at the very least first immediately remove the false accusation, and only then debate the merits.

The Details

Note that most people who are the target of actions of a moderator in any group typically feel that the actions were inappropriate. This is not intended to be a "sour grapes" post, but instead to cover what I believe to be a serious problem with the moderation of the slither.io discord.

The Players

[BEST] Mafia    - The person who originally "muted" me without warning for 48 hours, which prevented me from responding to the accusations
Eiriker         - The person who made the initial accusation
Aylina          - The partner of the person who made the initial accusation
[LK] SHARKNADO  - The moderator who with zero evidence posted that people should not use my servers, within 2 minutes of the original accusation
[WORM] NumerOus - The moderator who lent credibility to the accusation
[SN] IO Soldier - The moderator who apparently deleted my post in response to the allegations
Semliot         - The owner of the slither.io discord, who approved of these behaviors in general

Moderation Problems

I had a dispute with 2 other people, that had been ongoing for about 6 months.

#1: The 48-hour "mute" without warning. June 19, 2024

On this day, out of the blue, one of the 2 people I was in a dispute with posted:

I ignored it until about 6 hours later, when one of the them took an action outside the discord.
The discussion went on for about 2 hours, with at least 2 moderators participating in the discussion (but in a moderator role). I chose to leave the discussion until the next day.

Overnight, I realized something had to happen... and was thinking it might be best to shut down the Snakey Monster project.

I woke up the next morning to this:

Without warning, and after I said I wasn't going to post more for the night, the moderators decided not to allow me to post for 48 hours. They called me the "aggressor", despite the post that started this talking about how things would get "VERY nasty". And no punishment was given to the other parties in the discussion.

#2: Staff/Moderators Join Accusation With No Evidence

Within 2 minutes after the accusation was made, a moderator posted what has become the official position of the discord staff/moderators:

As I post this over 5 days later, despite being told otherwise, the moderators have neither deleted that post, retracted it, nor posted anything to the contrary.

Within 2 minutes of the accusation, and with no evidence at all and without hearing my side of the story, the staff/moderators had decided to treat me as "guilty until proven innocent".

#3: Moderator Bolstering False Accusation

After the first moderator made it clear that he felt that I was using an exploit, another moderator injected himself into the discussion.

Someone was asking for details, and after the accuser was being vague in describing what happened, a moderator added this:

What is interesting here is that the accuser never mentioned what exploit I used... so he was not merely giving details, but joining the accuser by giving out more information that the accuser wanted shared but had not posted yet. Further, NumerOus somehow knew not just that the exploit could result in code execution, but that it could be used to obtain tag codes, which I believe was only known by the accusers at that time.

After the accuser suggested that anyone using my servers should considered their tag/team codes compromised, this same moderator posted "assisting" information (e.g. information that someone would want to see if they felt their codes were compromised, which they were not).

#4: Moderators Do Not Let Me Respond to False Accuation

Shortly after I discovered that false accusations were being made, I let the moderator that had originally muted me know that the accusations were false:

Despite that, I had to wait until the 48-hour mute ended before I was able to post (and since that was done at night, I had to wait until the morning to respond).

#5: Moderators Delete My Response With No Notice

Things are, of course, very heated by this point.

I finally get a chance to respond publicly. There were other false statements, so I started responding to the easier ones, and was then going to respond to the primary accusation.

At 12:16PM, I posted that in about half an hour I would respond to the primary accusation. At some point after that, I finally had my chance to post my response to the allegations. posted my response at roughly 12:55PM, and by 12:59PM it was without warning or explanation deleted by moderators (I have heard that it was [SN] IO Soldier).

If I had not seen the post get deleted (it disappears if you are in the channel, as I was), I may never have known it was deleted.

I would love to post my response here, but they deleted it before I had a chance to save a copy of it.

#6: Moderators Decide to Delete Any Posts in My Defense

Shortly after my post was deleted, a moderator let me know that the position of the moderators was that any message I posted about the situation would be deleted unless it contained certain information that I do not have.

#7: Server Owner Takes No Action

The owner of the discord, Semliot, has not participated much recently, and for the most part lets others take care of moderation.

That said, by not taking any actions in the 4+ days since I notified him, he has implicity condoned the action of the moderators (which I detailed to him after he said that it sounded unprofessional).

#8: Moderator Shares Private DM to Eriker

I had someone DM me saying I should not leave the slither community. I was surprised, as I had shared that with very few people. It turns out that Eiriker, who had falsely accused me of using my server to use an exploit, sent that to a moderator, who then posted it to the other moderators.

#9: Moderator Shares Confidential Information

I shared some information with Aylina, which she agreed to keep confidential. Before I did, I let Numerous know that I was doing this.

I could not be shocked that Aylina shared this confidential information with Numerous. However, Numerous shared this confidential information with all the moderators.

A Word About Defamation: Law versus Playground Rules

The slither.io discord moderators, like Aylina, seem to think that "playground rules" apply. But the law is different.

In general, if someone says damaging information about someone, it is defamation. And if you falsely accuse someone of a crime, that is normally defamation per se... which means that the victim doesn't have to prove that the comments were harmful or damaging.

If I were to sue Aylina, Numerous, Eiriker, Semliot and/or others, I would have the burden of proving that their statement was indeed false. But, the burden of proof is "preponderance of evidence" (e.g. greater than 50% chance it is true). Testifying in front of a jury, and providing all versions of the source code that were backed up into the cloud for the past year would almost certainly meet that burden.

Semliot and the moderators, however, took a different stance: they apparently watch and misunderstand a lot of crime shows: they wanted me to prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that I did not commit the crime. But that is a playground rule! The law is the opposite of that: if you are accused of murder, and the jury thinks there is a 99% chance that you are innocent (not quite 100% because of a reasonable doubt), the judge doesn't throw you in prison and say "Well, there is a reasonable doubt that you are innocent."