Goodbye! さよなら! Adiós!

After being hurt by an extreme "mobbing" attack started by several players, I shut down the project, changed this website from describing the project to explaining the ugly situation, and left the discord.

My life is much, much better now. I've moved on.

I felt it would be best not to leave a trail of hate and toxicity behind me, so I've removed what I had here. Even though it was only intended to document the attacks against me... it just expanded the toxicity that they created. I hold no ill will towards those who were attacking me; I'm sure they either felt it was justified or didn't know better. There are 2 sides to every story, and a good human will try to see both sides. I can't move on 100% without removing what I had here.

So... if you really, really want to see my side of the truth about what happened, I'm sure you know how to find old archived copies of this page. And if you want to see the old happier website, you can visit the old page.

Finally, you are welcome to enter !smsilvertag in the chat box in NTL to use the Snakey Monster tag, to let the name live on...